Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Why do some programs seem to work while others and destined to always fail? Good question and let's see if we can answer that.
Most heavy-hitters who align themselves with an opportunity seem to only want to peddle their worthless marketing material. Their main objective is to push So Much Stuff The Average Person Does Not Want or Need!
Seldom focusing on the opportunity or the needs and training of their team.
It was rather alarming on how many companies I found that were talking a great product talk and compensation plan, but their profit center was not really their products or services at all.
It was their marketing material.
Here's another great lie sponsors love to tell their downline....It's Just A numbers game. This technique could possibly work if you were trying to make a living in vegas gambling.
But, when it comes to MLM or network marketing, it is a business killer.
As you are building your business it is very important to remember that, people are people , and they should never be treated like a number. These people also have goals, dreams and desires they want to to see come true in their lives.
They  are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, grandmothers, and grandfather's to other people and families who love and cherish them. They are not simply dollar signs, but real people with feelings and concerns.
Once you start treating people like numbers and dollar signs, your future in this Industry is gone.
Here is another great quote from the The heavy-Hitters "I am the master of my own fate." Or maybe “If’s it’s to be it’s up to me”. Ever heard that before?
Think about this the next time your sponsor suggest this to you...
No big bridges spanning across large bodies of water or successful space missions or successful network marketing empire were ever built by just one person.  It takes an army of people from all walks of life coming together, for one common goal to see these things come to life. Everyone working together to achieve the end result.
The most important thing to remember is a lot of people need to work together. So, the key is to align yourself with a company that offers great products or services, then focus all of your time and energy on helping others achieve their financial goals. THAT is where the success comes from.
Stay focused, align yourself with a solid company and most importantly always take care of your people First and remember to not treat people like numbers. By just applying these simple principle into your business on a daily basis will allow you to reap vast rewards and success.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Starting an online business can be frustrating and sometimes confusing

Which direction should you go and what is really required of me to actually see success.
Most people I talk to who have tried to start a online business were lied to. They were simply “leveraged” for personal profits from these heavy-hitters.
Basically what normally happens is that these Heavy Hitters simply used you for easy profits. You were not given the right training, experienced poor direction and no support...you were unprepared for what it takes to really have success with your own online business.

This squidoo lens gives even more information on this topic....

It can get worse, maybe your checking account was drained or your credit cards were maxed out. Your loved ones and friends avoided you like the plague. You trusted these heavy-hitters, in hopes of starting a successful online business.

Then when all the excitement and dust settled, you looked at yourself in the mirror and called yourself a big loser.

You were simply trying to make a change in your life, because you want the same things  many others wanted....including myself.
· Maybe you wanted to be your own boss!
· Maybe you wanted to earn a good living working from home online!
· Maybe you want to be able to take the family out to a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant and drop $200.
· Maybe you wanted the ability to spend precious time with the ones you love and cherish!
· Maybe you wanted the freedom to take a day off – or 2 weeks off !
· Maybe you want to work and interact with like-minded people!
· Maybe you desire the satisfaction of reaching your goals, and the self-satisfaction of helping others in the Industry see theirs. You want independence, both financial and time freedom!

You DON’T want more failures and rejection.
You DON’T want to have to chase family, friends and tire-kickers.
And you sure DON’T want another poorsponsor.

Here comes the next big lie you have been told….
You must Play The Numbers!
I suppose this would work if you were a professional gambler in Vegas

I know the famous Heavy Hitters will tell you this, "It's Just A Numbers Game..Baby"

Time for a reality check…People are people , they are not numbers. They have ambition, dreams and desires they want to fill.

They are mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews,grandmothers, and grandfather's to someone that loves them and respects them. 

They are not dollar signs, but real people with feelings and concerns.

The moment you start treating them like dollar signs, you will have no future in this Industry…that I promise.

This method only teaches people how to be a recruiter, not a caring and supportive sponsor. Stop the madness and treat your people with respect, fairness and kindness.

Here is another great site for learning how to start a online business