Friday, October 23, 2009

Make sure you have the right mindset!

What do you really say to yourself when you might
see someone living a lifestyle that you have
been yearning for, wanting and desiring?

To be more specific, What do you
say to your inner self when maybe you see someone driving
a luxury car that you have been wanting? or you see someone living
in a beautiful house?, maybe in a very loving relationship?

As you see these things in your daily life, it is important
to be aware of your inner voice. You may notice that you are full
of anger, or possibly envy and are upset.

What are you saying to yourself in these situations? Maybe that
these people are just lucky, or their money is dirty. Do you hear
yourself saying that I will never receive these items?.

Now, you may also ask yourself, that since you do desire these
things, why don’t I have them yet? Good question.

You must analyze your limiting beliefs you have about
yourself and the things you desire and want. Maybe, you
desire to be rich, but you have a belief that all rich people are evil
and money is the root of that evil.

Just imagine how you will respond, when you see someone else
living a rich and abundant life, your automatic response will be
negative and unprofitable.

This is why a person that has these types of beliefs and thoughts
will never be rich. Deep in your subconscious mind you will
realize that if you become rich, this will be the way other people
will look at you.

Becoming successful online requires both a solid work ethic and the right mindset.
Make sure your financial thermostat is properly set.

To your success,
Gerald Stidham

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